"I am still speechless from our experience together. I'm mind blown. Sabrina removes all sense of hesitation, fear, or angst. Her genuine nature shines through and she is so willing to make sure you feel comfortable during the session. Release expectations and allow Sabrina to hold that space for you - you will NOT be disappointed!" 

- Corrine A.

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The Akashic Records are a vibrational frequency that carries information relating to Universal records. More specifically for you, they carry information on your soul's past, present, and future potentials. When we access the Akashic Records for our own healing and development, we're able to receive the highest potential of information regarding our soul's journey and any aspect of it [love, relationships, money, health, business, and so much more]

Traditional readings typically involve one person reading another's records in order to gain insight into any topic the client brought forth ... But throughout my years leading breathwork and reading the records, the modality of "Akashic Breathwork" has come through and evolved potently. 




An Akashic Breathwork session will be formatted almost exactly like a 1:1 Breathwork session. The difference is that during breathwork, I will open your Akashic Records and allow the records to guide me in helping you clear, heal, or receive clarity on the area of your life that brought you to the session in the first place. 


Akashic Breathwork is one of my most powerful containers for healing.  


My friend, everything is energy. If you're experiencing resistance, lack of clarity, blocks, or dis-ease in any area of your life, then there are vibrational patterns that exist within your body that are significant keys to experiencing the momentum, clarity, magnetism, love, and fulfillment you seek. 


Now, within 15 minutes of a Source Method Breathwork session, we're able to quiet your analytical mind, access deeper levels of mind, and UNLOCK the body- which allows us to release stuck energy, outdated patterns, and repressed trauma [from all lifetimes] that exist within it.


SO, combine the access breathwork gives us to deeper levels of healing with the INTELLIGENCE of [and information from] your Akashic Records, and in one session we're able to heal, clear, release, and/or receive on one of the most profound and powerful levels.
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What is the session framework?

The full session will be 60 minutes + you'll receive a recording once it's over.

Intro: We'll take the first few minutes chatting about what you'd like to focus on for the session/what questions you have for the Akashic Records [aka what brought you to the session in the first place]. I'll go over the breathwork technique + what to expect, then you'll lie down for the session [Zoom camera can be on or off for this- your preference].

Session: Then, I'll guide you through a mini meditation to set an intention + relax, I'll open your Akashic Records and then Breathwork will begin! You'll be guided through 30 minutes of active breathing [to a great playlist!], and based on your intention for the session, I'll facilitate your session via what is coming through your Akashic Records. Once breathwork is over, you'll rest for 2 songs [like Savasana in Yoga] while I see what other information wants to come through your records last minute.

Post: With whatever time is left, we'll chat about the experience + how to integrate.


How do you facilitate via the Akashic Records?

Let's say you book a session because you're feeling stuck in life. Maybe you're unsure which direction to go in and feel disconnected from your intuition which isn't helping you navigate this uncertainty. Once breathwork begins and your Akashic Records are opened, I'll ask your Records for guidance on how to facilitate you in order to help you get unstuck + to receive the clarity you seek. What comes through will be completely unique to you, but as an example, I could be guided to have you visualize specific things, breathe into certain areas of your body carrying specific emotional/energetic patterns, or even ask specific questions to help you uncover the clarity you seek. I like to think of this experience as having direct support from your unique team of Master healers as I facilitate.


What's the process of signing up?

Click the link below to sign up for a session. When you sign up, you'll be asked a few questions to help me formulate your playlist for breathwork. Each playlist will be unique to each individual. Then, you'll be sent the zoom link and a calendar invite once you confirm with purchase.


What if I'm new to breathwork?

These sessions are for ALL levels. This technique of breathwork does not discriminate against beginners, as it allows you to receive the benefits of it regardless if it's your first or 50th time. We'll spend the first few minutes making sure you know how to breathe the technique + what to expect! Plus you'll have the recording afterwards if you wish to do the session over again on your own!


Who CANNOT participate in an Akashic Breathwork session?

We recommend pregnant people not participate in breathwork.


What is the cost? 

The cost is $275/session + you receive the recording after.

Sign Up for Akashic Breathwork