Sunday, April 23rd
Warehouse XI, Somerville
1:00pm - 3:30pm

All proceeds to go to Lustgarten Foundation for Pancreatic Cancer Research



Our Partners!


About Source Method Breathwork


SM Breathwork combines a 3-part breathing technique with awesome music, specialized guidance, and deep visioning to drop you out of your mind + into your body, release what doesn't serve you, and access the infinite wisdom of your subconscious + superconscious mind.

Join us for the launch of Source Method Breathwork on Sunday, April 23rd in Somerville, MA! Our launch event will include light bites and refreshments, pop-ups from local women-owned businesses, an overview of our plans to bring Source Method into the community and, of course, a signature SM breathwork experience! Expect great music, good vibes, and to dip your toes into the power of the breath! 

[Don't worry if you've never done breathwork before, Sabrina will guide you the whole way! Plus you can read our FAQs to learn what to expect!]

*All proceeds will go to the Lustgarten Foundation for Pancreatic Cancer Research


Grab Your Spot!

What people have to say about Source Method Breathwork:

Meet Our Pop-Up Vendors!

Ashley Maina has been in the wellness space for the last decade as a certified holistic health coach and yoga teacher.  She is now a Hemp Wellness Advocate and Educator - helping others discover the benefits of clean hemp for healing. She'll be promoting/selling USDA certified organic hemp wellness products as a hemp wellness advocate with Green Compass!

Marcia is a Spiritual Intuitive, Full Spectrum Birth Doula and Death Doula. She specializes in Intuitive Tarot and Oracle Card Readings with the added support of Healing Crystals. She offers Master Level Reiki Healings, Crystals Healings, Spiritual and Mindfulness Life Coaching, Crystal Singing Bowl Sound Baths. She'll be offering Tarot and Oracle Card Readings + promoting the above services!

Velas Paola is a Latina-owned creative candle making business that specializes in soy & beeswax candles. Enjoy an array of molds & colors at her booth at the SM Breath launch party!

Ginger Moon Apothecary is a small, artisanal business that specializes in handmade candles, macrame hangers, pressed flower crafts, and jewelry. The company was founded with a mission to provide customers with unique and high-quality products that are made with care and attention to detail.

Phenic Natural Skincare's mission is to bring insight, and appreciation of nature as skincare to those seeking an enlightened and pure lifestyle. We use the oil produced, “Liquid Gold” as our family secret to glowing mediteranean skin. We deliver products that are formulated based on family wisdom and respect for traditional mediteranean ingredients.

Hey! I'm your host, Sabrina!

I'm a Latina/Iranian entrepreneur, and have been facilitating breakthroughs in breathwork since 2021. After losing my dad & father-in-law to cancer within one month, and then my job two weeks later, I re-discovered meditation and breathwork... my life as I knew it would never be the same.

I believe that one of the most potent things anyone could do for their lives is re-connect to their most authentic selves, and I believe the journey to doing so should be FUN. My spin on traditional breathwork reflects these beliefs, and I love facilitating "homecomings" for my clients through the breath. My goal is to bring Source Method Breathwork into the Boston market in a BIG way, and I am so grateful for your support and attendance at this incredibly special event!





Arrive @ Warehouse XI and enjoy light bites + refreshments, awesome music, and great people


Welcome + opening remarks


"Mini" Source Method Breathwork Session 


Enjoy pop-ups from local businesses, your swag bag, snap content with our photo wall and sign up for some exciting opportunities!

Grab Your Ticket Here!
Source Method Breathwork is for dreamers, high achievers, and those on a quest to step into their power in life and all aspects of it. Our Revolution: Where human beings are so deeply connected to their power & aligned with their authentic truth that not only are they sustaining high level flow in business and life, but they're positively impacting generations to come.